USS Virginia


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This site is a not-for-profit publication, and in no way intends to infringe upon the copyrights of Paramount Picture Corporation, A VIACOM company, it licensees, agents, or production:
Star Trek - The Orignal Series , Star Trek - The Next Generation,
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine , Star Trek - Voyager ,
Star Trek - Enterprise , And all Star Trek Movies are trademarks of the Paramount  Picture Corporation, registered in the US Patent and Trademark office. All images and photos are the Property of the
USS Virginia . Do not copy any of the photos or images unless you have permission from the USS Virginia and SFI.  

Please contact us if there are any questions at our contact the chapter page.  

Meetings and Events will and can be cancel at the last minute due to bad weather during the winter. If this has happen for that month's meeting or events then please contact us for more information or questions  .    Thank you.